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Monday, September 7, 2009

Keep Will at the Top of Your List

Will has left his host family. He promises pictures soon and reports his host family was outstanding. They have all moved this week into the Peace Corp Training Camp. Tomorrow he will test for his language proficiency, Hausa. This is an oral test where a villager comes in and converses with the Peace Corp Volunteer (aka Will ) and another professional Hausa speaker judges Will's proficiency. It is so important that he is proficient as he will be by himself in his village. After the proficiency test comes the parties. The big party, Thursday is at the Ambassador's house in Niger with all of the trainers and the regional directors and the Niger government folks. Will reports the ambassador's house rivals any we have seen in Highland Park. He sounds wonderful and well integrated into the Niger community-they all have African outfits for the swearing in on Thursday. It is interesting as after the swearing in his ten fellow volunteers will climb on a truck on Friday and journey to Maradi where each of them will be dropped off in thier community with a smaller party at each stop. Let the parties begin and let our thoughts be with Will this week!

Warmest regards and many thanks -

The Parents

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