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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bump in the Road

Good Morning

The daily life in Niger over November caused the Peace Corp to gather all of the volunteers in their designated hostels. Twenty six folks spent 10 days together waiting for the government to decide the future role of the PC in Niger. Will assumed his role as "event manager" and organized food and fun for all. His funniest story was of a "Survivor" game complete with mud pit. For Thanksgiving they paid some locals to shoot 3 turkeys. Will said they were the smallest turkeys he had every seen, but roasted with a glaze sauce the crew thought they were delicious. The crew pooled their boxes from home and from the local grocery and seemed to come up with almost all of the traditional trimmings.

The officials of the Peace Corp, after much deliberation , said the volunteers may return to their villages. At this point, the volunteers also had the option of returning home. Many of the volunteers decided to return home and that loss of friends and support was a terrible blow for Will. We think he could rationalize why they left, but he will miss them and his current decision is to stay. He has taken steps to research the current climate in Niger, spoken with all of the right folks to get the data and his plan is a day at a time. He has good goals for his role in the village and his role with the PC in Niger and would like to be able to see them through.

So please do not stop sending cards, letters, calling. Let us know if you need the Stanacard number. If you are in Dallas over the holidays, come visit...

The Parents

Saturday, November 14, 2009

At Home in Niger

New Friends and Neighbors

1. Members from the group that drink tea together every afternoon
2. One of Will's soccer team members
3. A good friend...and his most helpful "pet".

Friday, November 13, 2009

Pictures Came in Today

1. Shower
2. Sleeping Quarters with shade structure
3. Wall of Support

Sunday, November 1, 2009

He is just Fine

Will with 2 members of the Peace Corp Team at the Swearing In Ceremony. (Picture sent by other Peace Corp Parent).

The Parents